Tuesday 18 December 2012

The First Blog

Laziness is boon to human-hood! Consider every human as creative. Everyone would want to re-invent wheel for his own vehicle. And this could result into a billion types of wheels or the same wheel created in a billion ways. There would be abundant pursuits and kicks in the arses. Every human would want to be creative and attempt which by natural law every first attempt is to fail.

Or let me put it this way, some hundred of ants can make a cake gone and we are in billions!!! Every human will have his “Sulemani and Rahimani” (no offence) troubling and he would go out and say “Yes, I would have to do something.”

And so as this, I decided to start photography. I generally am a lazy chap, who does not want move his arse an inch on a given Saturday. But suddenly I had a realization that I have a sight (I already have power to my eyes, not to mention) and thus I should attempt to capture all the things I can see in the way “I can see”! And thus, I started to capture and now I want to show the world what I see the way I see, so this blog!

There would abundant of wheels that I have invented some would drive a car others would at-least drive a dustbin. 

Finally, while I searched for quotes on laziness; I found that even Usain Blot says “Yeah, I am lazy. There's no doubt about that.

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