Monday 24 December 2012

A photo with the darkest shade

Till now I have posted 3 blogs with some of my clicks, but not this post. Say, it is about a photograph with million expressions.

A photographer always tries to capture human feelings and expressions and tries to capture it in all possible shades. There had been a billion photos around; yet there are many expressions remained un-captured; for the simple reason that expressions are candid.

Like suppose, a girl cannot be told to express feelings of a pregnant woman. The blushes, satisfaction of her womanhood along with the pains of pregnancy is stupendous combination of expressions that only a pregnant woman can give. No, she does not even need to “give”, it comes by default.

Or suppose, a girl cannot be told to express of being traumatized and feeling of disgrace like she is raped! How the photo will look like?At the spur of the moment we all are watching it. 

It is the photo with the darkest shades!

Photographers with the good photo always get accolades. But a photographer with bad photos does not get punished; the reason which caused the bad photo; gets punished. And sometimes, the punishment should be as brutal as the photo itself.  

So, a rapist should not be hanged! In ancient India the punishments were simple at the same time brutal. A robber should have his hands cut; a foe should have his head cut. Like a rapist, should have his organ cut!

There was a Marathi play, Purush, written by Jaywant Dalvi. This play is about a rape on a social worker girl done by a political figure; with no legal or social help the girl choose to tie up with a kind-of local gangster and cut the organ of the rapist!

And that should be the legalized punishment for a rapist.

Firstly for, the minimum punishment for rapist is of imprisonment of 7 years; which can be extended to life term. However, there is no guarantee that the person will commit the same crime again after the punishment, may be with the same girl. There are very less cases of “Do aakhe barah haat”. A criminal with revenge in his mind; will want to taste the revenge at its best; when it’s cold!

Secondly and most importantly, post crime the girl lives a rather traumatized and disgraceful life. Then why should the rapist not live the equally disgraceful life?

Thirdly, with having this as punishment; a man will rather choose to pay-for-sex. Such facilities are available for a man to satisfy his physical needs; without getting punished. But I don’t think a rapist rape just to satisfy his physical needs. There is an evil hidden behind the needs, which causes the crime and this evil does not know fear and that where the catastrophic punishment will play its role.

And lastly, a photographer will not want to capture ALL human expressions! Some are better not captured, others are better not expressed!

What’s your say on this?

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