Tuesday 12 November 2013

Nagaon - Family Log 2

Nagaon - Beach

Nagaon Beach -

How's this step, it asked me really...

Those tiny dots in the mist are humans...so small for the nature...

Nagaon - On its way

When words become superfluous run to nature...

Well, heard of white wall tires...now there are pink and yellows....


And then there are rides to take on the nature...

                                                      God in small things...

Monday 11 November 2013

Nagaon - Family Log

A family log from Nagaon. This is just a first set just can't find time to process the photos...

Wax Museum

Wax museum Lonawala with a different view for you all. ENJOY!!!

Sunday 11 August 2013

A trip to Bhadas

A break well deserved.... This time it was with my Band of Brothers at a small village near Pune called Bhadas...Here are some clicks from the trip.... ENJOY!!!